The 9th floor computer lab is one of the most complex floors filled with many things that catch the eye compared to most of the floors inside this building. Opening the door from the s
tairs or coming off the elevator the room you can tell right off that the room is pretty much full of life. There are current students working at the front desk, very lovely people that will be very kind and will help you if you have any questions. You can ask them anything from needing help on a computer program glitch, needing supplies you didn't have time to bring with you to class and even if you need to find a class room.
There are plenty of computers in this huge room where each one you can choose whether you want to use windows or Mac desktop, all the pro
grams you need for your classes are there and ready for you to start working. There are always many students diligently working on their homework.
The computers are in the center of the floor while it is surrounded by two classrooms that share the same floor, no wall separating it. Going through one of the class rooms you get to the cut paper section where students are free to use the free space to cut paper, measure, trace on the light box and work on anything they need to do. Taking care of all the equipment, using it correctly, sharing with other students, making it a fun filled experience.
The environment is very lively and friendly, not once I’ve seen any kind of fighting break out, everyone is respectful for one another and helps each other with giving advice on ones artwork.Once you get used to how everything works you do tend to notice certain cliques with groups of friends like the Illustrators, Graphic Designers and Animation artists, but that’s not to say that’s a bad thing, everyone gets along, you just also notice people get to meet others in the same major early on and connect with them over time having to take many classes with them. They form a very strong bond and they all help one another if one needs assistance. Of course there is a sense of competition but it’s rather a friendly one. Everyone wants to see one another do well.
Now I'm a hardcore cartoon-obsessed artist. Back in the 90's, as a kid, watching Nickolodeon was like an addictive drug, and I'm sure you can relate.This kid channel aired great cartoon shows such as Rugrats, Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, The Ren and Stimpy Show, AHH Real Monsters etc. The list goes on with memorable shows and I wish I could elaborate more to make you think down memory lane, but this blog as you know isn't for that. There is just one nicktoon that really gets under my skin and its none other than that yellow loud mouth fruitcake Spongebob Square pants. I can't believe how low cartoons have gotten and this cartoon is one of the few that I just cannot sit down and watch for the life of me.
The theme song is just horrifying, you got some irritating pirate man and a bunch of annoying kids screaming spongebob square pants a total of 8 times. Other than that it explains that he lives in a pineapple under the sea. More descriptive it’s called Bikini Bottom at the floor of the Pacific Ocean. Spongebob (Tom Kenny) works as a fry cook at the Krusty Krab restaurant, which how is that even possible if they are living under water, but hey it’s only a cartoon show. He’s best friend is a sea star named Patrick (Bill Fagerbakke), another so called friend is a octopus name Squidward (Rodger Bumpass) who isn’t too pleased to be around the two. They all seem to get into some random obscure adventure each episode. Somehow people just love to watch them interact and enjoy. This series was the top of Nickelodeon’s ratings chart and maintained a huge fan base. It’s full of wacky humor, silly scenes that appeal not only children but many adults as well. Many say that it sends positive messages about friendship, hard work and loyalty.
There are so many people who just adore this show so much. Having all kinds of merchandise and what not. They are obsessed and I just can’t put my finger on how and why. I was forced to watch the Spongebob Movie when it hit theaters with my younger sister and cousin and it just didn’t make any sense. The jokes were random; I don’t see how little kids really get what’s even going on. Supposedly now there are a lot of dirty jokes my 15-year-old sister told me in the cartoon series. I watch my sister as she still watches the show constantly, bawling out laughing while I stare in confusing. You would think I could understand the humor behind it all since I still watch cartoons but Spongebob just isn't for me. The annoyance level on this show for me is high and I stay away from it at all costs.
I assume that I have to try and be in the shoes of the other people because I know for a fact the cartoon and anime shows I fully love and enjoy, people also hate a great deal. Everyone has their own likes and hobbies and I think people really shouldn't bash others for liking something like Spongebob. I always thought that was the best way, don't argue or fight, just let them be happy with what they enjoy. Your life will be much better with just staying happy.