Your foot includes more bones than any other section of your body. You rely on your feet every day, shoes at first were created to protect your feet from rocks, burning sands, natural hazards of the weather/climate, the rough ground that we walk and anything that would danger them. Only until recent years, the shoe wasn’t even worn by most of the world’s population. There of course still to this day where people walk barefoot who can’t afford any. Shoe prices can be one extreme to the next. Flip flops at Kmart can go for only $1.00 while at the Nike’s basketball shoes can go as high as $150.00.
Shoes are an item of decoration to the middle and upper class, they seem to be more focused on how the shoe looks rather than if it’s comfortable. Woman complaining constantly how at the end of the night they get blisters all over their aching feet. Some sort of silly fashion statement, or you can tell how a person is by the type of shoes they ware. Some people just buy shoes to match with other groups, to be with the in, not caring about price. Some want to be noticed on what their wearing by showing it off, bragging that they got some high expensive pair that no one can afford.
Depending on where you’re from there is a certain brand people wear. There’s so many examples so the best one I always find that stand out mostly from many are the group of boys who are skater. You can tell by the most popular skater name brand shoes they ware. They all look flat and somewhat similar. Brand names such as Vans, CD, Etnies, Osiris is most popular when riding a skateboard showing off your moves on the half pipe.
The variety of shoes one can go through in someone’s closet can be an alarming number. You need different types of shoes that accommodate the time of the year, snow boots during winter, flip-flops during the summer, but that’s not all. They types have many categories in itself. You need shoes for sports such as running, tennis, basketball, ice-skating, skateboarding, dancing. You need dressy shoes to go out to a special event and the list just goes on and on to how much shoes are a big importance.
Shoes can be worn by anyone, no matter what sex you are; anyone can pretty much get away with wearing whatever. Doesn’t matter if you buy shoes for men, woman or a unisex pair. In this generation there really isn’t any order to what you wear or how you wear your shoes.
Hi Maria, you really seem to me to get the idea of the assignment here. Reading this, though, I wonder if "Shoes" was almost a little too general ? For example, you don't really have room to get into the whole issue about gender and shoes--the second paragraph brings up some issues that apply a lot more to women, I think, than men, which makes me wonder why that is so. (It also kind of contradicts your conclusion that it "Doesn’t matter if you buy shoes for men, woman or a unisex pair." Could you get a little more traction (har har) if you focused in on some particular shoe and the "message" it sends? In other words, could the paragraph about Vans, etc. be expanded into an entire post?
ReplyDeleteLinks would also be most helpful--could save you some time describing things if you just provided some connections to examples of what you're talking about.
That's an interesting comment on shoes, they're really quite extravagant for the purpose they serve.
ReplyDeleteThere were some moments of awkward wording especially in the section where you talk about the variety of shoes. Cleaning that up will really make your ideas more clear.