“Justified” what seems to be a police drama starts its show rather climatic, as one of the two characters knew they were going to die right there at that table outside the hotel lounge. The winner is the main character, the brave ethical cowboy Deputy U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, the new hero that really is too confident pretty quickly in this first look at him. He always seems to know how to handle each situation, can get out of trouble so easily and makes it a little game. I didn’t know if he was a decent pick for the role as I have not seen him in any other movies but from the earlier discussion the actor might of went down hill for a show like this but I won’t judge.
The group of villains Raylan must face is a group of neo-Nazis who don’t seem to as smart as you would think. I don’t know why people would really get too offended that this takes place in Kentucky for the genre, your from the South, you automatically will be targeted on a show like this. Why really waste your time on just a TV show? I’m sure this show, from what the first episode has shown wont get too many rating and really everyone just needs to relax. It’s made for the entertainment aspect. There are the heroes and the villains anywhere you go, whatever the location may be. Yes we all may not like what we see, but this is something we have to live with and deal with. I think I might give this show another shot even though I’m not of this type of genre. “Justified” shoots on the TV network every Tuesday on 10:00pm.
I love your points you brought up. I have never seen the main character act in anything else so I can't comment on his character choices. I also think that there is nothing special about Kentucky and that people from the state should realize the show portrayed any typical Southern stereotyped town. They should be lucky that they haven't mentioned any interfamily relationships.